Monday, August 9, 2010

VOTE NO Muslim Mosques NY City

Someone needs to just say NO! Insult upon insult and no one gets it. Even the liberal/moderate Muslims wont stand up. Fear is a terrible thing. You call me a hypocrite or bigot, I dont care I grew up looking at those buildings, THEY WERE PART OF MY COUNTRY,my HOUSE, my HOMELAND, and my history. Yeah buddy, I'm a Redneck AMERICAN! Red, White and Blue FOREVER! World War 3 is on, and no one knows it.

New York City is my home, I don't mind muslims or the quaran, to each his own but keep the mosques away from the world trade center cemetery, keep the votes and the politics and shove it, terrorists and idiots with a lack of common sense or morals. No one likes a defaced burial ground, or the disrespect, of families resting place. THATS WHAT YOU WILL BE DOING IF YOU dont VOTE NO TO MUSLIM MOSQUES IN NEW YORK CITY. I DON'T CARE WHERE YOU PUT IT, BUT IF YOU ASK 2 blocks is IN POOR TASTE.
**adult language**