Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Dorothy, you're not in Kansas anymore

POLICE BRUTALITY Olando FL. news video
Cop Breaks 84 Year Old WW2 Veteran's Neck

SCENARIO: If the mother is doing it n public, & not covering her breast, some dumb a-hole cop will probably cite her for indecent exposure, make her stop, the baby starts to hollering, then he will arrest the mother and take the child and hand it over to CPS. This SOUNDS crazy BUT situations like this have already happened. BEFORE we were this far down in the rabbit hole of a police state that we live in now. It's not so crazy, & "Dorothy, you are not in Kansas anymore."Soon this will happen so often that 90% of you guys wont even pay attention. Desensitize you until its normal. Why do people automatically think that police officers are for your protection? They are tax collectors and corporate thugs for hire. Dont call the cops unless you abolutely have to. If this old man gets charged with protecting himself would you belive me.. ? =