Saturday, May 8, 2010

Illegal aliens and my sympathy level

Illegal aliens and my sympathy level
@Rick Hamrick
With out stating my age, I can assure you NO ONE out runs me on the job site... and I most certainly don't give a rats @ss about the peach farmers business model that revolves a round cheap migrant workers AND I would gladly pay more for peaches if I was assured it was a legal tax paying citizen doing the job. When I and my nail gunning cohorts sit around the coffee shop,, unemployed and a contractor walks in and states he'd rather hire three for the price of one ,,, I say pick up your coffee and jet city before you get beattin,,, that is the problem with the moral less contractors and business folk ,they want their new boat but screw their help .. 25 years of experience comes with a price ,,, It also means the corners and joints on your new oak stairway will probably fit... unless you hired 6 non english speaking guys, willing to live in the same room with each other, that are really good at filling the scrap dumpster all day to do your ruff frame...... If you hire these guys ... dont even open the doors to your van on my jobsite. I would also gladly take YOUR unemployment money to pay for the fence as this country is OUR HOUSE and breaking and entering is a jailable offense for any color person you happen to be...Our constitutional "under god" morals also dictate "three hots and a cot" for these people on their way out the door. By the way, in NH. force may may be used to deter B n E offense's on your property. While I do not agree with giving law enforcement unfettered leisure to stop, question whom ever, where ever, with out cause., I do believe if you are an employer It MUST BE MADE IMPOSSIBLE to hire these people, It might be easier for the unemployed to get a job... I my self have had to work the pig stalles in the "shit" times to pay my light bill, so the peach farmer has the pull of a hamburger with me,,, sorry about my sympathy level,,, but it ain't apathy. =